The most worthy internet institution that is BirdForum has been taken down... Earthquake? Global Meltdown? Virus Attack? Ketchup spilled on one of the servers?
Possibly all of the above, but it seems much more likely that it is all just down to one man's All-reaching influence on the british birding scene. Within a mere half hour of Himself rejoining the forums for a friendly and frank open question time, and the major crash occurs.
People were Rude to him.
This is what you get .... how on earth did you think we'd get away with it?
Diss him at your peril; LGRE, the Big Cheese (or perhaps more accurately, 'The Big Marmite') of the birding world (loved or loathed, but never just 'liked' ...) and most certainly 'a bit of a character' and epitomisation of all that is extreme in british birdspotting, the man, the legend in his own socks and lifetime. Proof indeed that we should all pay him a lot more respect than some of us cheeky young whipper-snappers do ... sacrifices/examples will be made at all key spotting sites before noon tomorrow.
The Other Prime Minister has been informed, although naturally he is absolutely powerless to intervene, no 'special relationships' have been invoked, so we have been told, and the Yank Bittern has not been flushed down any outside lavatories, contrary to rumours in certain quarters ...
Weird ... or what?
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